What you think about, you bring about.
I recently had an experience where I felt completely knocked off my game. Internally I had this crazy feeling that told me, "I'm not like this person at all. They are so different from me, and their success shows it!".
I started to wonder if my happy-go-lucky approach to life was a downfall....
Did you catch that? I actually thought that my 'happy' approach in life was a bad thing. Like it was the distinction between what seems like massive success and 'less-massive' success.
Can we all just take a moment and laugh our heads off at that.
Even as adults we have ridiculous and untrue thoughts that seep into our brains. But this was really getting a hold of me. Until I literally had to say out loud, 'CANCEL' to those thoughts, and choose HAPPY, more powerful thoughts to move me through and past an inaccurate perception.

The TRUTH is that MANY people have told me that they would love to have a more relaxed and happy approach to life like I do. It's one of my gifts, actually. And sometimes when things come easy to us, we don't often see it that way. Because it IS too easy.
No matter what your approach to life is, you're perfect just as you are. If you're feeling challenged by something, or feeling 'not enough' as 'compared to' another person, just stop right there. I guarantee that there are many others *wishing* they had many of your skills, talents, and approaches to life. This is the gift of life itself.
We ALL have something that's uniquely us. Today, I challenge you to take a look and really SEE yourself in all your glory. And then, I want you to really appreciate whatever that is.
Think HAPPY. Then BE Happy.
You're awesome.
Oh! And one last thing...

If you're looking for a better way to connect with other smart business professionals, I invite you to join us for the monthly UNnetwork group, designed with business growth in mind.
No card shoving or awkward moments. Guaranteed!
Every third Thursday of the month.
The next event is Thursday November 15th.
Work together ON your business (not just in it!) for maximum growth.
Coffee, Tea, and delectable eats included!
9:45am - 11:45am
M&R Catering Co., Whitby