Are you a coach? Do you help others with their business challenges? Meal prep? Social Media? Money issues? Weight loss? Marketing?
It doesn't matter what you do, but my guess is, if you're anything like me, you're a whiz at helping others, but sometimes can't see the forest for your own trees.
Do As I Say, Not As I Do...
As business owners, we need to be really good at what we do. We're helping people solve their problems after all, and taking their money in exchange.
We believe that our work matters, and that if you could just get people to work with you, you KNOW they'd get massive value and solve or grow whatever they need help with.
And yet, do YOU sometimes NOT get the help YOU need?
Do you look for the cheapest way to learn or get something? The lowest offer? The online version vs. the front row to the live event?
We've all done that - especially when starting out and funds are often limited.
I don't know about you, but that feels very much like university days. You know - when you took the Red Eye flight or the 6am flight because it was cheaper? And you wondered why ANYONE would pay more when they could get that same flight for way less just by getting up at 1:30am to catch it? I mean - how lazy are these people?!
Until you got a little older, and wiser, and realized that you get what you pay for. Or not. Including the support YOU need to grow your business to the next level.
Coaches Need Coaches
The test of any business I'm willing to invest in is if they've hired a coach at least at one point in their business career to help THEM grow. Bonus points if they've got one right now. đŸ˜‰
I've got one. In fact I just wrapped up a year long coaching program with one coach, and now I'm working with another one to help me grow my business in a different way.
Smart and savvy business owners know that sometimes you can just be too close to your work to see what the gaping holes may be. The obvious is not often obvious when you're in the middle of it all. Even if it's the work you do for others.
Best Advice?
HIRE A COACH. For whatever it is you need support with in your business - whether it's identifying your most amazing skills and talents so you can hone them better, or whether you need to tackle the next area in your business and life so you can grow in a powerful way (marketing, branding, virtual or real assistant, SEO support, bi-weekly house cleaning, whatever!), get the support you need.
Stop taking the cheap flights. Invest in your business the way you ask your clients to invest in you. You're worth it.
The Upshot
The world needs your special brand of magic - the stuff only YOU can do - even if you can't see what that is right now.
Today I encourage you to look where you're not experiencing your fullest life, and then find that person that knows how to get that handled with or for you.
Be a coach. Get a coach. Everybody needs a coach! For reals. Because you can only go as far as you've gone, with the knowledge and insight you already have.
If you're struggling to figure out what YOUR special blend of awesomesauce is - reach out. It's my speciality.