Nail the Sale

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Helping inspired, heart-centred entrepreneurs gain the confidence to sell themselves, and their valuable products and services without feeling salesy.

Unlike the "numbers game" or sleazy and inauthentic sales scripts and tactics that are cringeworthy, I'll show you an adaptable process that earned me a 90% closing rate, without any formal sales training. 

You'll learn how to sell in a way that attracts, rather than repels, demonstrating how aligned and irresistible your offers really are to your buyers. 

Nail the Sale

This is foundational learning to set you up for Nail the Sale. Please watch this in advance of Day 1.

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This lesson is the absolute essential ingredient to understanding your client, and adapting your sales process to meet each and every client's internal need and motivation. When you can consistently master this understanding, you will see your sales closing rate dramatically improve. 

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Determining how to build rapport is essentially to starting the sale off right. *HINT: the close happens at the beginning!

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One of the first clues you'll notice from anyone is their resting face! It tells you a lot, and helps you identify your client before they even utter a word.

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Observing how people move through space will give you more clues about who they are, and the way they see the world.

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What people wear tells you a lot about who they are. Check out today's clues and cues.

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So now that you know who is wearing what, you'll know what to do with this info!

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You can tell a lot about a person by they way they write. Find out what the clues are that help you understand how best to respond.

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This video demonstrates the mental pace of an outgoing person (D & I). This clue will help you determine how to modify your approach during the sales process.

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This lesson discusses the pace for more reserved types - Ss and Cs. Paying attention to your 'real time' thinkers will give you a huge advantage to building rapport with them because they'll see that you really understand the way they process new information.

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This lesson demonstrates the overall approach you to take when dealing with each of the personality quadrants.

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Listening for key words will help you determine which quadrant a person might be most comfortable in.

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This lesson demonstrates the words S & C quadrants use most frequently, to express their mode of operation.

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Noticing physical spaces is another visual clue to identifying the person you're working with.

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If you want to know what matters to a person, notice what they put on display. It will tell you everything they are looking for to be affirmed. Check out what affirms Ds and Is. 

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If you want to know what matters to a person, notice what they put on display. It will tell you everything they are looking for to be affirmed. Check out what affirms Ss and Cs. 

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With crystal ball clarity, you can predict the type of objections you may get from any personality. This lesson looks at the D & C (task) traits.

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Sometimes it's easier to visualize the DISC quadrants into "spirit animals". It's an effective way to understand naturally occurring internal motivators, so you can help each person achieve their goal in their way.

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Understanding where you're weakest is the place where you can build muscle. Building strength in your weakest quadrant is actually where your Power Zone is! Nail this, and you will definitely work toward nailing the sale!

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Are you prepped with your sales TOOLKIT? Knowing which props you need to support your process helps each quadrant see that you really get what they need. Knowing when to pull them out and for who is even more essential.

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Small talk... some people like it. Some people don't. Find out how to navigate this critical step at the beginning of your communication so you can quickly see how to modify your approach to suit your client's approach.

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Setting yourself up for quick success is as easy as a questionnaire or quiz. You could even make it fun or lighthearted like I did in order to understand the underlying motivations your clients have, before you even really start the conversation.

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There's a reason for Small, Medium, Large. It organizes our thought processes to help select the best right option. Of course, custom offers are always available, but starting somewhere gives us a place to work from.

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The power of knowing where your strength may become a weakness under pressure, is critical to protecting yourself from yourself. Are you so supportive to others that you forget to put your own oxygen mask on? There's a reason the airlines make that announcement.

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Do you research and prepare so much that you think there might be more you to do or uncover before you take action?Or are you fairly confident that you can handle most things, only to discover you might not be a prepared as you thought? 

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Getting to the close is all about micro yeses along the way. In this lesson we'll cover a few ways to continue getting those little nods of affirmation, all the way to the close.

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Words that help and words that hurt. When you know what each quadrant wants to hear, you'll move the sales process along swiftly and with more confidence.

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Mastering the POWER WORDS for an I personality will move you closer to that sale, every time. Check out the 'happy words' on this video. 

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Understanding an S personality's POWER WORDS is this lesson's focus. Remember to keep to their pace and use calming words so you can move the sale forward without rushing them.

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This lesson looks at the POWER WORDS for a high C personality. If you get these right, you'll close more deals.

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Even if you've missed all the clues and cues right up until you're ready to begin the (sales) conversation, you can follow this format to help you organize your thoughts, and create a sold flow of interaction toward the sale. 

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You can sell any product or service to any client or customer - if you know the features to highlight, and why it benefits them. 

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Here is the tell-all section. We'll take an honest look at all the best parts of each quadrant, as well as the blind spots no one wants to talk about. *These are the places where we're leaving money on the table. 

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About the teacher

Jennifer Maxwell

Jennifer Maxwell is a Certified DISC Human Behaviour Consultant, and shares her expertise on how she worked her way up to a 90% closing rate without any formal sales training simply by using an adaptable approach. Jennifer now shares her exact method on how YOU can Nail the Sale, and become the ONE everyone loves to buy from. 

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